For Liverpool's year as the Capital of Culture, replicas of SuperLambBanana, the city's iconic bright yellow sculpture, were scattered across the surrounding area, each a unique design; the charitable scheme was then revived in 2010, 2013, and 2014 – and one was, naturally, dedicated to the Fourth Doctor!

With his trusty sonic screwdriver and our Fourth Doctor Season 12 Scarf, this SuperLambBanana proudly protected the city's Spaceport from Daleks, Weeping Angels, and… Delta and the Baaaaannermen. (Sorry.)
We also love Alan Murray's Starry Sunflower design, a tribute to Vincent van Gogh, who the Doctor and Amy Pond met in 2010's Vincent and the Doctor – and who inspired our Pandorica Opens Scarf! Check out all the original SuperLambBananas at the Liverpool Echo.