Go to great lengths to impress your loved ones! (18 ft., in fact.) Of all the Doctor Who gifts, this one is most likely to have you in stitches, and is perfect for cosplaying, fighting off creatures from the pit, or even for general warmth. This particular version of the Doctor Who scarf is modelled on the one from Season 17, so won’t look out of place if you happen to be sampling that Parisian bouquet…
We hope you appreciate the mavity of the new Doctor Who book range! The Time Lord is back, and this new novel from Georgia Cook slots into his new adventures on Disney+. In this particular story, the Doctor and Ruby travel to medieval Russia in the year 1242, so you may need a 16 ft. scarf to keep yourself warm...
The Fifteenth Doctor has arrived! Join the eponymous Time Lord and Ruby Sunday in a brand new novelized adventure to tie-in with the latest series. This adventure is from Una McCormack, who will be well known to Doctor Who fans for her previous books and Big Finish adventures.
You can’t have Christmas without angels, right? Probably not, butyou won’t want to turn your back (or blink) with the next of our Doctor Who gifts, as rumour has it that the image of an Angel becomes an Angel, and this figurine could easily zap you back in time in a heartbeat. Just place it in front of the mirror and you’ll be absolutely fine…
What are you doing to do? Assemble a cabinet at them?! Well, now you can with the next of our Doctor Who gifts. There have been many sonic screwdrivers over the years, and whilst this one probably doesn’t do wood, it might help you blow up the occasional minefield if you’re being pursued by enraged Sea Devils. This particular design is similar to the one used by the Ninth and Tenth Doctors, with just a dash of the Eleventh, and is a ‘must’ for any committed time traveler.
Journey to the "most peaceful destination in the universe" for the next of the Fifteenth Doctor's novelized adventures. This new story from Abi Falase takes the Time Lord and Ruby Sunday to the Gardens of Kubuntu where, in true Doctor Who style, things are not quite as they seem...
Take a 'fast return' to one of the Doctor's earliest adventures, this time on CD. In 'The Edge of Destruction,' the TARDIS has been rocked by an explosion, and the disoriented crew are struggling to figure out what's gone wrong. But can they trust one another...?
Once there was a planet much like any other, and unimportant. This planet sent the universe a message: buy lots of Doctor Who gifts, and include the Tales of Trenzalore book! Why? Well, this must be one of the most Christmassy collection of Doctor Who tales this side of the Medusa Cascade. They’re all set in a town called Christmas, and they chronicle the Eleventh Doctor’s last stand against Autons, Ice Warriors and maybe even a Krynoid ort wo…
Doctor ho ho ho! Everyone loves a Christmas jumper, and this one is warm enough to fight off even the chilliest of Ice World’s winds. It’s sure to impress all your fellow Doctor Who fans whilst providing all the style and comfort you need to exterminate the winter blues.
Relive the magic of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary with a special novelisation of The Day of the Doctor. Target books have been staple Doctor Who gifts since the 1970s, and are just about the right size for the average Christmas stocking (unless yours happens to be dimensionally transcendental.) Plus, this particular story saw the debut of the much-loved War Doctor, and the Twelfth Doctor, and the enigmatic Curator, so surely it’ll raise a smile on even the dampest of Christmases? Who knows…
Wrap up warm for the next of our Doctor Who gifts! This is a classic Second Doctor adventure from the 1960s, and it all takes place in the Himalayas as the Time Lord and his friends do battle against the dreaded Yeti, and the fear some Great Intelligence. Sadly, the majority of this story is missing from the BBC archives, but it has been lovingly recreated with animation and the original soundtrack to send a real ‘chill’ up your spine.
No it’s not bigger on the inside, but the next of our Doctor Who gifts is certainly roomy, with enough pockets to satisfy Donna Noble herself. It’s decorated with a stylish array of type 40 police boxes, and it’s great for stowing your sonic screwdriver, laser screwdriver, or even your sonic trowel (delete as applicable.) This bag is perfect for Time Lords, Ladies and even shape-shifting Navarinos, and is bound to raise a smile when it ‘materialises’ under the tree.
Unwind with a relaxing story about the creation of the deadliest killing machine in the galaxy! This Big Finish audio adventure makes the perfect addition to our Doctor Who gifts list, as it’s based on an un used script from classic Doctor Who writer Terry Nation. Performed by Tom Baker and Sadie Miller, Daleks! Genesis of Terror is an early version of the 1975 story Genesis of the Daleks, which is often voted as one of the most popular adventures of all time (and space.)
Of all the Doctor Who gifts, this must be one of the most popular. Santa has been delivering Doctor Who annuals for decades, so why break with tradition? Plus, the Doctor Who Annual 2024 is a little piece of history asit’s the very first to feature the Fourteenth Doctor David Tennant, and the Fifteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa. That’s two Doctors in one volume!
He’s the Doctor, but probably not the one you were expecting - atleast, not on our list of Doctor Who gifts. But even though the Eighth Doctor has only appeared in three television episodes to date, he is an immensely popular incarnation, and your mantle piece (or Christmas tree) is surely crying out for Paul McGann in all his half-human glory.
Would you care for some tea? But the strong stuff. Leave the bag in. The next of our Doctor Who gifts is perfect for any lover of noxious infusions of oriental leaves containing a high percentage of toxic acid. At a stretch, you could even use it for fish fingers and custard, or a dash of Bubble shock.
There really is no Doctor Who story compendium like this one. This compilation is one of the more unusual Doctor Who gifts in that it encompasses no fewer than four Doctors with adventures spanning from 1973 to 2009, all of which have been chosen to tie-in with the wider Time Lord Victorious multi-media arc. There are seven Doctor Who stories in this compilation set – more than enough to tide you over to year’s Christmas special, right?
If there’s one thing we know about the Doctor, he’s definitely a madman with a box – a mystery box, in this case, as the next of our Doctor Who gifts will give you one of nine exciting keychains. The thing is, you won’t know which one until you’ve opened it. It’s a bit like Schrodinger’s cat, but with Adipose. Rest assured, you’ll never lose those TARDIS keys again.
Want to get away from it all? Build yourself a TARDIS! Of all the Doctor Who gifts, this one promises to be the most rewarding. Everyone loves LEGO, and the prospect of constructing your own Type 40 capsule out of building bricks is very appealing. (It’s certainly better than stealing one from Gallifrey’s repair shop, anyway…)